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Find all the details required to sign up and take part in NLCS Dubai's MUN Conference.

Conference Dates   

June 28th to June 30th, 2024


Registration fees for individual delegations​:


  • Cost per Delegate/Student Officer                  

    •  Total AED 350


*The above cost is only inclusive of conference registration, refreshments, and conference lunches.  Other expenses will be covered by delegates (i.e transport)

  • Upon registration via the form above, you will receive an email on the account you have registered with. The email will outline the next steps in your registration, which include payment details. If you do not receive an email, please contact us at


  • After this, use the payment link to pay after signing up for the conference via the payment link




School Delegations

Dear MUN Directors,


Please note, if you are interested in registering a school delegation, please email, and we will provide you with the appropriate details.

Chair Applications

For applications to Student Officer positions at NLCS Dubai MUN, please use the application button above. The MUN Applications team will review all submissions and will be in contact with you. 

© 2023-24 by NLCS DUBAI

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