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Resolution Paper

What is a resolution paper?

As the name suggests, a resolution paper is a collective document written by all delegates collectively posing solutions to the problem that is presented in front of you. It consists of one long, but coherent, sentence divided into clauses and sub-clauses. There are 2 types of clauses that make up a resolution paper. These clauses are preambulatory clauses and operative clauses.

Preambulatory clauses


The preambulatory clauses are the introduction to a resolution. It contains the background and the argumentation to the that has been given.


The clauses should consist of official figures, the most recent ones, if possible, to illustrate the issue. There also must be difficulties that were encountered in the past. The clauses should also talk about previous solutions that have been implemented. One of the most important things in this is the importance of the topic and if this problem is not tackled then what might happen.


These are some sentence starters that are advised to use while writing the preambulatory clauses. These starting words need to be underlined and turned into italics. These instructions may be unnecessary but are essential for making the preambulatory clauses highlighted and known.

Operative clauses


Operative clauses are usually the solution that are posed by the delegates that are present in the room. Keep in mind that not all operative clauses may be put in to the resolution. So you have to make sure that the clauses are well thought out and are logical.


Operative clauses most of the times have sub clauses. Sub clauses are there to provide more detail to the operative clauses that are presented. Operative clauses are numbered while the sub-clauses are done with Roman numerals.


There are also sub sub clauses which provide more detail to the clause and the sub clause. Sub sub clauses are started with letters. The letters have to be small and can not be capital. The letters may not be capital because it may be thought of as the main operative clause.

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